Tea Tree Essential Oil Benefits

There is a lot of information online about Tea Tree essential oil benefits.

Some of it is excellent!

However, not all of the information you find online is reliable.

I have loved Tea Tree essential oil for over 20 years (which is how long I’ve been an Aromatherapy educator). It’s so important to me to share reliable, research-based information when I’m guiding others in the safe, effective use of essential oils.

That’s why I made this video!

It’s about 3 research-based Tea Tree essential oil benefits.

If you want to know HOW Tea Tree essential oil creates these benefits, you can learn here: https://blog.aromahead.com/tea-tree-essential-oil-benefits-nl

You can also see the full recipes at the link above.


Are you as big a fan of research-based essential oil information as I am?

Do you want to spend less time digging through websites and books looking for answers, and more time using essential oils (and getting results with them?)

I hope you’ll join me to learn more, and SUBSCRIBE to my YouTube channel!

I treat my channel like a school, so you can build your essential oil knowledge . . . and your recipe collection! I post a new video lesson every two weeks.

The big red SUBSCRIBE button is right below the video!

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