Peppermint essential oil is great for so many things! Have this one in your wellness toolbox that is for sure.

I personally love peppermint EO because…
It wakes my ass up when I haven’t had coffee
It helps my stomach feel better when I’ve had too many 🥂 (kidding)
It helps my dog’s belly feel better
It helps their achy muscles and joints
Makes their breath fresh in my homemade toothpaste

This one’s a retina burner so no open bottles near eyes or your dog’s nose AT ALL!

As always, dilute this like crazy, try it on yourself first and make sure your oils are start to finish top quality. Never ever ever times infinity use oils on your dog where you don’t know the source of plant, extraction, bottling, storage or if they don’t test for quality. If you can’t find that out, DO NOT USE ON YOUR DOG! (Or you for that matter)

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