OLEU LIFE – Sweet Orange essential oil

Some of its most common benefits attributed to Sweet Orange essential oil are: anti-inflammatory, antidepressant, antispasmodic, antiseptic, aphrodisiac, carminative, diuretic, tonic, sedative, and a cholagogic substance.

This essential oil can help people avoid fungal infections and tetanus when wounded, as it inhibits microbial growth when disinfecting the wounds.

After a hard day at the office, you might want to use this essential oil as a natural sedative to help you relax your mind and release any inflammation in your muscles.

You can benefit from the amount of Vitamin C the Sweet Orange essential oil has and boost your skin and help it to heal. Orange peels have been determined to have the highest amount of Vitamin C compared to other fruits! Great to be used to fight antiaging symptoms like wrinkles and dark spots as Vitamin C will promote the production of collagen in your skin.

It is also considered to have mild aphrodisiac properties. Its systematic and regular use can aid with problems such as frigidity, erectile problems, impotence, loss of interest in sex, and decreased libido.

Organic Sweet Orange Essential Oil

Aromatherapy Massage in Norwich and Norfolk