A Holistic Approach for Hormones: Essential Oils, Rose Geranium Oil, & the Caveats of Lab Tests

In this 15-minute video I review:

-rose geranium oil and essential oils’ influence on hormones
-essential oils’ effects on mood, stress, and sex steroid balance
-estrogen replacement vs. estrogen effects of essential oils
-a naturopathic and functional approach to balancing hormones
-the caveats of assessing hormonal labs
-my now unbranded essential oils website and database
-upcoming opportunities to get online education and training
…and more!

You can access the references on rose geranium essential oil’s effects on hormones throughout the reproductive cycle and beyond and some additional resources and fun reads on hormones below:

Video: Rose Geranium Essential Oil and Hormonal Effects- The Final Takeaways & Special Website Announcement

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