Marjoram and Lemongrass Essential Oils: Support for the Musculoskeletal System

There are many supplement choices if we are looking to support our muscles, bones, joints, and connective tissue. Essential oils have unique properties as supplements and marjoram and lemongrass especially so. In this video I discuss adding these Vitality line essential oils from Young Living to our supplement regime.

Be sure to watch the related video:

“Can We Use Essential Oils As Supplements?”

Check out our website for more information about “YL Wellness 2017” and how you can minimize your learning curve and maximize your wellness!

If you are not yet a member of Young Living Essential Oils, be sure to talk to the person who shared this video with you — you will need their referral number to order. If you found us by search engine, we’re happy to refer you: Peter & Amy Minke #118924. If you’re confused, just message us and we’ll help you get to the right spot!

Aromatherapy Massage in Norwich and Norfolk