5 Reasons You Need A Bottle Of Geranium Essential Oil In Your Home
Not surprisingly, Geranium-oil is very popular in aromatherapy and herbal medicine for its health benefits, especially concerning skin health and emotional wellbeing.
Check out these 5 Reasons You Need a Bottle of Geranium Essential Oil in Your Home.
1.Geranium-oil can relieve stress and fatigue
Inhaling the sweet aroma of Geranium-oil can uplift your spirits, reduce fatigue, and provide a sense of happiness and wellbeing. It has a positive effect on the body and mind, and you can enjoy this feeling with just a drop or two of this powerful-oil.
Whenever you feel stressed or depressed, or simply need a pick-me-up, take a drop of oil in one palm and rub the palms together. Open the palms over your nose and inhale deeply. It will instantly energize you and put you in a happy-mood. You can also diffuse 2-3 drops of the oil in an essential-oil-diffuser.
2.Geranium oil can stem bleeding from wounds
Geranium-oil can be used to stop bleeding from cuts and wounds. When applied topically diluted in a carrier-oil, the oil contracts the blood vessels and promotes blood-clot formation to seal them off. This helps control blood-loss not only from wounds but from bleeding hemorrhoids. The strong antimicrobial property of the essential-oil of Geranium can protect you from pathogens and infectious diseases. It is particularly effective as an antiseptic for disinfecting cuts and wounds on the skin. When applied to scrapes and cuts, it stops the bleeding quickly.
3.Geranium-oil is excellent for skin care
Our skin cells are continually shed and replaced with new-cells, but age and certain disease conditions slow down this process. Geranium-oil promotes cell-regeneration, ensuring the skin gets renewed regularly. Increasing collagen, the connective tissue protein underlying the skin, it helps maintain the smoothness and elasticity of the skin.
Add a few drops of the oil to your regular skin lotion or a carrier oil. Apply it regularly as part of your skin care regimen.
4.Geranium-oil has hormone-balancing effect
Geranium-oil has a tonic effect on the body, regulating endocrine function and improving overall well-being in general. Because of this, the essential-oil has a positive-effect on several organ systems, including the respiratory and circulatory-systems. Inhaling the aromatic vapors can provide relief from physical and mental exhaustion. It also regulates the production of stomach-acids and other digestive enzymes, improving digestion and absorption of nutrients.
5.Geranium oil can increase mental function
Along with the stress-busting action of Geranium oil, it can improve your mental functioning, and may help prevent neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s. The presence of a toxic deposit called amyloid plaques in the brain tissue is a marker of the neurodegenerative Alzheimer’s disease. Chronic inflammation resulting from its presence inflicts further damage on the brain tissue and drives the rapid progression of the disease.
Geranium oil is capable of reducing inflammation in the brain by interfering with the production of pro-inflammatory substances. Inhaling Geranium oil vapors have been found to be beneficial for increasing cognitive function and slowing down cognitive decline in Alzheimer’s patients.
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