Why Patchouli and Peppermint Make a Great Foot Massage Gel

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Who’s ready for a relaxing foot massage with essential oils?

I am! Two of my favorite essential oils for foot massage are Peppermint and Patchouli.

Patchouli essential oil smells very different than the popular incense. If you like the oil’s aroma, then I think you’ll find it a wonderful choice for a foot massage gel. Patchouli has a cooling touch, helps calm swelling, and eases tension (great for sore, aching feet).

Peppermint is really a classic for foot massage. It’s fresh, cooling, helps reduce swelling and encourage circulation, and is just overall refreshing!

This recipe is made is a glass bottle with:

1 oz (30 ml/28 g) Aloe vera gel (Aloe barbadensis)
5 drops Patchouli essential oil (Pogostemom cablin) – (1:19)
5 drops Peppermint essential oil (Mentha × piperita) – (1:39)

Add the essential oil drops to the aloe vera gel, close the bottle, and give it a good shake. Use a bit of this gel to massage your feet, concentrating on areas that feel sore, tense, or swollen. Even the massage part of this feels so good!

I recommend making a fresh bottle every few weeks, since this blend is not made with preservatives and aloe vera gel is a water-based carrier.

Would you like to be notified when I post new Aromatherapy and essential oil recipes? Click “SUBSCRIBE!” . . . And I hope this blend gives you happy feet!

Aromatherapy Massage in Norwich and Norfolk