Fantastic doTERRA Marjoram Essential Oil Uses

Did you know?
Marjoram is also known as the “Joy of the Mountains” and symbolized happiness to the ancient Greeks and Romans!

Some common uses of doTERRA marjoram essential oil:
You can use marjoram aromatically (breathing it in), topically (if you can point to it, you can put it there), and internally (awww yeah!)

The main benefits of marjoram oil includes:
– Targets tired and stressed muscles
– Calming properties
– Flavors food
– Supports healthy immune system and nervous system

How to use marjoram oil:
– Substitute 1 drop per 1 tbl sp of fresh marjoram in recipes for added therapeutic value and flavor

– Inhale directly from bottle or put 1-2 drops in palm of hand and breathe in to help with stress

– Apply 1-2 drops with fractionated coconut oil for sore muscles and joints

In Summary:
Marjoram essential oil has a very relaxing, connecting, and pleasing feel to it. Marjoram oil blends well with lavender, rosemary, and ylang ylang.

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